Sunday, January 8, 2012

A brilliant Democratic proposal!

In an absolute stroke of stupidity, D. C. Council Chairman Kwame R. Brown (who is BTW a Democrat and i know this surprises all of you) is advocating a requirement that every public school student in D. C. be required to apply for admission to at least one college or post-secondary institution before they graduate!  

As the Washington Post blog article is reporting, "In a provocative attempt to keep D.C. public school students focused on their futures, D.C. Council Chairman Kwame R. Brown (D) is sponsoring a bill that requires all students to take a standardized college admission test and then apply to attend at least one college or post-secondary institution."

Notice that this "provocative attempt" does not address what the consequences are if the students refuse to apply (one would assume they would not graduate) or if they are rejected because of their grades in both high school and on the SAT/ACT test.  

I have a suggestion for the Councilman he should strengthen his proposal by not only requiring the students to apply but restricting them from graduating if they refuse to apply.  Further he should add a requirement that if any D. C. Public School student is not accepted to at least one college, for academic reasons or due to their criminal record, the entire D. C. City Council and the D. C. Public School system should be abolished.  But then I am a hopeless optimist! 

Willie P
A common sense thinking guy from flyover country!

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